I had the opportunity to take a course called Strategic Presentation this Spring semester. I honestly really enjoyed this class; it is by far one of my favorite courses I have taken for my DCIM minor.

While taking this course, I have learned so many new techniques on how to distribute information, gather information and select information. I have been working with media for many years now and this course has taught me a more about the field I am entering.

The hardest task for me to do is to research information and know what parts of that information is most important. In this course, I had to make a thirty second PSA. That is not a long time frame, stumbling on one word could make you lose five seconds of time to speak. When I had to find the right information for my PSA and distribute the most important or detailed parts of it, I found it to be difficult. I would say that the PSA I made was very informative, but there was still some information I could have left out. If I had left out some less relevant information, my PSA would have been smoother and clearer.

Another task that I will always remember looking back on this course is when I had to make a tutorial video. Although I did not record myself or record actual footage, finding the right topic to talk about and the right clips to share was difficult. I did not know what type of tutorial I could teach about the LGBT community. I had to think about the things I would like to learn more about and that’s when I decided to make my video about gender pronouns and the importance of them. This tutorial took some time for me to make but it is by far my favorite project I have made for this course.

Strategic Presentation is a course that taught me so much. I love my blog page and I plan on improving as a writer and editor so I can keep this page up and moving. The LGBT community is an organization I strongly support and care about. I will never stop educating myself and others about it!

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