Image result for lgbt memes

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Image result for lgbt memes

Google Images

Image result for lgbt memes

Google Images

These three memes relate to my topic of my WordPress page because they are about the LGBT community. I grew up with two older brothers and a twin sister. My second brother is gay and my sister is a lesbian, so growing up I witnessed the struggles they went through when it came to their sexuality. The first meme is about how people talk about the LGBT community just to have a topic to talk about. The second and third memes are relatable because those are prime examples of what my sister and brother went through growing up. They didn’t have to hide their sexuality from my mother but we grew up in a christian home, so I think they kept it to themselves because they didn’t want to disappoint my mother.

For a long time my whole family knew my brother way gay, but he did not officially come out until High School. I think the main reason for that was because he was bullied all through Middle School because everyone assumed he was gay, but he never confirmed it. My sister had two serious relationships with guys before she started talking to girls. She is now in a committed relationship with her girlfriend.

In Davison’s reading it says “the ideals of memes operate in reverse. The ideal of a meme is the aggregate of all manifestations of that meme” (133). Reading this quote, I think the ideals of my memes are the collection of the actual photos and the chosen words that were put on the memes.

I think my memes start with the LGBT community and they spread to different types of people. For example, these memes relate to me because I grew up with siblings who are apart of this community. So these memes can relate to people like me. These memes can also relate to members of the LGBT community because they can relate to what these memes are talking about. These memes overall spread to people within the community or close to the community.

The manifestations of my chosen memes is the LGBT flag colors. All three memes have the colors incorporated in their photos and I think that makes them stand out the most. With the other memes that I was looking at, they all did not have the flag in them so that’s what makes them different from other possible manifestations.

These memes and their manifestations that I have chosen can appeal to my target audience because they are very vivid and are attention grabbers. My chosen memes are not boring and do not have too much writing.



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